In vitro

In vitro assay design and development to accelerate projects at every stage of the drug discovery pipeline.

Our Services

Our experienced team of scientists are experts in in vitro assay design and development. We work closely with other teams at RxCelerate throughout all phases of the drug discovery pipeline, striving to deliver bespoke and cost-effective experimental solutions with data-rich endpoints.

Our Approach

We approach complex questions from first principles, striving for scientific excellence with each project. Our projects begin with a detailed proposal created following extensive review of the scientific literature. Experimental programmes are carefully planned to maximise endpoints and minimise cost and time. Close contact with the client is maintained throughout and key data is shared in real time to allow a flexible approach in response to experimental outcomes.

Cell-based assays

Functional cell-based assays utilising cell lines or primary human and animal cells incuding:

  • Autophagy
  • Phagocytosis
  • Migration
  • Cell viability
  • Stimulation
  • Secretion
  • Cytokine assays
  • Multi-panel flow cytometry
  • Cellular bioenergetics
  • Fc-mediated functional assays / effector assays

Plate-based assays

Extensive experience with a variety of plate-based assays including:

  • Enzyme activity assays
  • Immunoassays:
    • ELISA
    • Luminex


Proficient with complex multi-parameter ICC including:

  • Quantitative immunofluorescence
  • High content imaging
  • Automated image analysis

Molecular & Biochemical

Broad experience with molecular and biochemical techniques including:

  • Immunoprecipitation
  • Western blotting
  • Gel electrophoresis
  • Genotyping
  • RT-qPCR

Human Tissue Licence Holders

RxCelerate hold a Human Tissue Licence to support client projects through:

  • A database of healthy human donors.
  • A dedicated team of trained phlebotomists.
  • The generation of blood derived products (e.g. plasma and serum) for use in in vitro assays.
  • The isolation of peripheral blood cells for use in functional assays.

Our in vitro team input at all stages of the drug discovery pipeline, feeding into the integrated approach of RxCelerate:

  • Research and discovery
  • Target validation and lead optimisation
  • Screening and profiling
  • Mechanism of action
  • Pre-clinical and clinical sample analyses